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What are these and what's the difference?

Nowadays the terms CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM and FASCISM are often misused and even interchanged as most people don't even understand their true meanings. Especially in politics these words are used so widely that everyone assumes they know what they are talking about, when in fact, their assumption is rooted in lack of knowledge, stereotypes and brainwashing propaganda leftovers of the Cold War.

First of all, capitalism, socialism, communism and fascism are economic systems. There's no perfect, good or totally bad system, they are just different ways of life, each having it's pros and cons. The success of each system relies heavily on the society's culture and people's mentality. This is where ideology and politics step in. In order to build a new working system, a society and it's culture must be changed first. That involves heavy propaganda of all kinds and often use of force by authorities. And this is where everything becomes very complex, aiding to the confusion.

Hopefully the chart below will resolve the misunderstandings and provide clarity on the meanings of the terms and differences between the systems. Please keep in mind that the chart only lists the fundamentals and by no means can provide complete information or detailed explanations. It is designed rather as a quick reference and a springboard for further individual study. To understand all better, especially why things happened the way they happened, one must extensively study the history, social, economical and cultural aspects altogether. Fortunately, there's a wealth of information available.

It must be noted that there exist many types and flavors of capitalism and socialism, depending on a region or a time period. For the sake of simplicity, in the chart below capitalism practiced in the USA and socialism established in the USSR are assumed, as these were the two major competing superpowers. Additionally, it must be understood that the USSR was never a communist state. It was a socialist state with a communist ideology, i.e. socialism was considered to be only an intermediate stage on the way to communism. The story of the Soviet Union is a perfect example of confrontation between the different systems and is a fascinating topic for research.

Definition An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production, their control and operation for profit of the owners. An economic and political system in which the means of production are owned and controlled collective or by the state. Workers are compensated according to their contribution. An economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all means of production, property and wealth are communally-owned, instead of by individuals. Welfare is distributed according to people's needs. A government system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly oppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism.
History in brief Capitalism started developing in Europe in 16th century out of feudalism and mercantilism due to wealth surplus generated by industrialization and expanding slave trade. Beginning in the 18th century in England, the focus of capitalist development shifted from commerce to industry. The "free market" ideas were first expressed in 1776 by the Scottish economist Adam Smith and were increasingly put to practice from the beginning of 19th century.

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Socialist models and ideas have existed since antiquity. The first socialist movements developed in the 1820-1830s out of concern for the growing economic inequality and social problems associated with capitalism, and continued through late 18th century. After the October Revolution of 1917 the Soviet Union became the world's first nominally socialist state, inspiring, triggering and supporting socialist revolutions in other countries.

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The communist ideas were first conceived by Thomas More in his book "Utopia" in 1516. Communism is most famously associated with Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto of 1848. First used by the Bolshevik party when they took control of Russia in the 1917 October Revolution. In a modern history, communism never existed, however it was actually practiced among some American and African native tribes.

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The origins of fascist ideas are traced back to the late 19th century. In the 1920s these ideas gained great support and popularity in Italy as an oppositional alternative to socialism. The term "fascism" was created by Benito Mussolini - Europe's first fascist leader. Soon fascist regime was adopted by German leader Adolf Hitler. In 1945, at the end of World War II, the major European fascist parties were overthrown and Fascism was officially banned.

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In few words Money makes money. i.e. The more one has, the more one can make. From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Any means to make the naton stronger and larger are good.
Most representative mottos There's no famous and popular motto as population in capitalist states is made up of diverse individuals rather than a single society having common ideology.

If a motto which best represents capitalist society had to be created, it would likely be "Every man for himself".

Workers of the world, unite!

One for all, all for one.

Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only all together.

Same as in socialism. Believe, obey, fight!

The more force, the more honor!

Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.

The book and the musket - make the perfect Fascist.

...and many others. All originated in Italy

Foundation of belief Competition brings out the best in people. Free market produces the best economic outcome for society. Government should not interfere as it would introduce inefficiencies. All people should be given an equal opportunity to succeed. Workers should have most say in their factory's management, but government regulation is necessary.

Cooperation is the best way for people to coexist.

Human societies have always been divided into warring classes. The Industrial Revolution has enriched the wealthy and impoverished the poor. The workers must unite to overthrow the bourgeois in order to create a classless society with equal rights and opportunities for all.

Cooperation is the best way for people to coexist.

There must be a union between privately owned businesses and the State, with the state telling the businesses what to do in order to gain more power and glorify itself.

A superior nation is entitled to dominate and decide the fate of others.

Key elements Free Market economy, All Private

Relies principally on markets to determine investment, production and distribution decisions.

Markets may be free-markets, regulated-markets, or may be combined with a degree of state-directed economic planning or planning within private companies.

Capital ("means of production") is owned, operated, and traded for the purpose of generating profits for private owners or shareholders. Emphasis on individual profit rather than on workers or society as a whole.

The accumulation of capital drives economic activity - the need to continuously produce profits and reinvest this profit into the economy.

Production for profit: useful goods and services are a byproduct of pursuing profit.

Hybrid State/Private Ownership

Wealth is redistributed so that everyone in society is given somewhat equal shares of the benefits derived from labor, but people can earn more if they work harder.

Means of production are controlled by the workers themselves.

Socialism relies principally on central planning to determine investment and production decisions.

Economic activity and production are adjusted to meet people's needs.

Nobody should have anything extra, until everyone's basic needs are met.

Production for use: useful goods and services are produced specifically for their usefulness.

State Ownership

Complete rejection of money and the market.

Free-access to the articles of consumption is made possible by advances in technology and overproduction that allow for super-abundance.

Wealth is redistributed so that everyone in society is given shares of the benefits, derived from collective labor, according do their needs. All means of production are controlled by the state.

Equality is valued above high achievement, and the collective achievement is viewed above the opportunity for individuals to advance.

Corporate Ownership

Focused on glorifying and strengthening the State.

Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and full control of industry and commerce. Unlimited police power.

The state must gain glory through constant conquest (war).

Belief that the past was glorious, and that the State can be renewed.

Private property Permitted Some personal properties are permitted, but private businesses are never allowed. Abolished Permitted
Ownership structure The means of production are privately-owned and operated for a private profit. This drives incentives for producers to engage in economic activity. The means of production are socially-owned with the surplus value produced accruing to either all of society (in Public-ownership models) or to all the employees of the enterprise (in Cooperative-ownership models). In ideal communism everything belongs to everyone. In USSR, however, this ideology rather resulted in "Nobody owns anything". The means of production are privately-owned and operated for a private profit. However the business is highly regulated by the State.
Factors of production are valued for Profit above all. Capitalist competition ensures high quality of service, but poor quality of products. Due to marketing and planned obsolescence, presentation/design is valued more than quality. Usefulness to people. Quality of a product is more important than it's looks, packaging, etc.. Usefulness to people. Quality of a product is more important than it's looks, packaging, etc.. Things that help to build the nation and make it stronger matter the most.
Political system Multiple parties. Totalitarianism. Public as well as private life of every member of the society is monitored and controlled by a single political party in power. No leader. The country is ruled directly by the people. Dictatorship. One leader has absolute authority.
Government interference... Only in situations where laws have been broken. Fully involved in every aspect of life. People govern themselves. People manage businesses privately, but business decisions are made by government. private life Everyone's life is their private business. Nobody's allowed to interfere except for the government in case a law was broken. The whole society is considered to be a large family. The state controls raising children, ensuring their well being, and interferes to resolve family issues for keeping high moral standards. Neighbors often help watching after children. Same as in socialism. Much of people's personal lives is controlled by the state. Those who oppose the state are suitably punished.
Religion Freedom of religion Primarily humanism. Freedom of religion, however it was actively (and at times forcefully), being replaced with humanism and science. Humanism. Any religion is abolished for lack of necessity. Science is all. Against any kind of religion except Nationalism - worship of the State.
Social structure In theory all are born equal, but in practice people are divided into classes according to their wealth. Due to the nature of capitalism the gap between rich and poor constantly grows. All class distinctions are eliminated. Equality and social justice for all.

In practice, officials in leadership positions had formed a so-called "elite", thus obtaining more power and opportunities. Officially, however, this was not legal and was widely criticized (though without pointing fingers).

All class distinctions are eliminated. Equality and social justice for all. Strict class structure believed necessary to prevent chaos. Everyone has a specific, defined role. While a certain race is considered superior, individuality among members of that race is discouraged.
Discrimination Officially none. However, in practice capitalist system itself encourages discrimination. People are treated according to their social status, usually determined by what they possess. All members of the state are equal. Better workers get more honor and respect. Same as in socialism. Belief in one superior race. Society's problems are blamed on members of other races or social groups. Within the state, women and minorities are discriminated.
Human rights... Officially everyone is born equal, has equal rights and opportunities. In practice social status and opportunities are determined by one's financial ability. People are born into different classes and can do only what they can afford.

Note: the labor unions, which are meant to protect workers' rights, were historically created to oppose capitalist exploitation. In the USA official establishment of labor unions in 1935 was mainly influenced by establishing labor unions in the USSR 17 years earlier. So it's rather a socialist achievement, as well as social aid.

Everyone is born equal, has equal rights and opportunities.

In practice, however, officials in leadership positions had higher social statuses (as having more power) and, therefore, more opportunities. Of course this was due to corruption and contradicted the socialist ideology.

Everyone is born equal, has equal rights and opportunities. Extreme racism. One nation/race dominates and decides the fate of others. Within the dominant nation an individual is considered meaningless.
...and responsibilities The only responsibility of each individual is to obey the law. Whatever people do with their lives is their own business. Everyone is expected to study, master a profession, work where the society needs them and contribute to the society's well being. Same as in socialism. Everyone is expected to contribute to the nation's glory by any means.
Freedom of choice In practice freedom of choice depends on one's financial ability and the choice is whom to pay. State party (government) makes most choices for people, considering the well being of the society as a whole, as opposed to individuals. In an ideal communism, where a leader does not exist, everything is chosen freely. The only choice is to be dedicated to the power of the state.
Freedom of speech Everyone can say whatever they want. In practice, the ones in power don't really listen or pay attention, so the freedom of speech doesn't change much. Given a fierce competition and possibility to loose a job, freedom of speech is rarely exercised. Everyone is free to say whatever goes along with the state ideology. Everyone must think alike. "Who is not with us is against us." Public criticism of shortcomings and flaws is welcomed. Only criticism of the party and the system as a whole is forbidden. Spread of decadent sentiments was also punished, especially in early years. Total freedom. In an ideal (utopian) communist society everyone should be happy and there should be nothing to complain about. So there's no risk that someone will say anything dangerous for the system. All must be dedicated to the power of the State.
Education Everyone has a right to be stupid. The ignorance of majority benefits the few who are better educated (less competition to find a better job and more chances to exploit uneducated). Plus, for the government it's easier to control uneducated masses.

In the USA only basic education in public schools is free. Public schools are mostly funded from local property taxes, so the funds vary between different neighborhoods. Less funding can limit available courses or reduce their quality, creating inequality in education - i.e. children living in rich communities generally receive better education and treatment than kids in poor neighborhoods.

Only the official high school curriculum is required. Further studying is up to students, depending on their wishes and financial abilities.

Creativity and thinking is generally not enforced.

Students are learning individually and are responsible for themselves only.

Nobody has a right to be stupid. Education is a foremost responsibility of each individual as ignorance/stupidity of one undermines the well being of the whole society and vice versa - better education/skills/knowledge of one benefits all.

In the USSR all education (including meals in public schools) and most of extracurricular activities were totally free for all. In addition, university students received scholarships.

Creative thinking, acquiring knowledge outside of required school curriculum was encouraged and often even enforced.

In high schools students were usually grouped into teams and members were encouraged to pull their peers who were falling behind.

Everyone is treated the same and expected to be the same as everyone else. The only allowed (and encouraged) way for anyone to stand out is by their academic success and work achievements.

Same as in socialism. Education is important as a means of social control and directed toward an ultimate subordination of all.

Dominated by social, political, economic and national doctrines that serve as a basis of national solidarity, which it is dangerous for individual to question.

Thinking and exchange of ideas is discouraged.

Healthcare Healthcare providers are private entrepreneurs and prices are determined by free-market, therefore quality healthcare is not equally affordable to all.

The workers in the healthcare industry, or rather the business owners, benefit from having more clients, therefore logically interested in more population having health problems.

Healthcare is aimed at treating existing health problems and relieving symptoms, rather then prevention or complete cure.

Capitalist system is ineffective in combating epidemics.

Healthcare is provided by the government totally free to everyone.

It is in the state's best interest to keep it's population healthy in order to minimize healthcare expenses, to have a healthier and stronger nation.

Healthcare is primarily aimed to keep population healthy and prevent health problems. Thus, in the USSR huge efforts were spent on educating the public on hygiene and on promoting healthy living style.

Socialist system is most effective in combating epidemics.

Same as in socialism. The healthcare was under a strict regime of central government control.

One of the main goals of healthcare was to increase the population to make up for for deaths in war and settle conquered territory.

The fascist powers also had an ideological interest in health, especially Nazi Germany, as a part of a larger fascist idealization of Aryan race, youth, athleticism, and action.

Glorification of health had its dark side in the demonization of disease and disability, which contributed greatly to the eugenics and euthanasia initiatives carried out in the name of public health.

Centralized bank No Yes In an ideal (utopian) communism money don't exist, so there's no need for a bank, except for international trade. Yes
Prices Determined by the market law of supply and demand. Every purchase or service is taxed (i.e. tax must be paid in addition to the item/service cost). Determined by the government. At times, the basic necessities are priced lower then their production cost, just so everyone could afford them. All prices are hard set and no products or services are subject to tax. In an ideal (utopian) communism money don't exist. Products are taken by people according to their need and conscience.
Employment Workers are employed by private business owners. This lack of government-run employment leads to unemployment, especially during economic recessions and depressions.

Those who are injured or disabled and can no longer work have fewer options available to help them.

The state is the primary employer and employment of every single individual is guaranteed. During times of economic hardship, the socialist state can order hiring, so unemployment is never possible. In fact, in the USSR parasitism (living at the expense of others) was considered a crime.

There tends to be a bigger support for workers who are injured or permanently disabled.

The state ensures that everyone who can work has a job.

Those who cannot work (children, retired or disabled) still enjoy all the benefits as everyone else.

Unemployment Unemployment is to an advantage of business owners as it ensures availability of workforce while keeping wages low. Unemployment is a problem as state funds have to be spent to support the unemployed while productivity is reduced. Same as in socialism.
Wages Workers' compensation is determined by the market competition rather than by the value of their work/products. Business owners pay their employees just enough to keep them in. There's a huge gap in average wages for different professions. Workers are compensated according to their efforts. Better workers may get just a little more pay, but lots of honor and respect. There's almost no distinction between wages for different professions. As money and market relationship are abolished, people work and take what they need only according to their conscience.
PROS Capitalist competition ensures dynamic economy, incentives for innovation, high quality of service (not products), and perception of better economic growth.

Everyone has the same opportunities to raise their standard of living compared to others (however everyone is born at a different start, which makes a very big difference).

Ensures universal equality, stability and guaranteed security (employment and basic necessities) for every individual, provided they do not oppose the system.

Work is rewarded proportionally to a worker's efforts. Equal distribution of profit results in welfare of all.

Centrally planned economy allows to quickly mobilize resources on a large scale to execute massive projects and create industrial/military power.

Everyone can enjoy all the benefits and meet all their needs, regardless of their contribution.

As the interest of the community comes first, with centrally planned economy resources can be quickly mobilized on a large scale in order to execute massive industrial projects and achieve critical social goals for the benefit of all.

Prioritizes the welfare of the state as a whole.

Speeds up the decision-making process (though by a dictator).

Improves peace and order within the state.

Centrally planned economy allows to quickly mobilize resources on a large scale to execute massive projects and create industrial/military power.

CONS Few individuals/groups attain powers, rest are exploited. No stability or financial security.

Capitalist economy promotes financial (and therefore social) inequality, growing gap between rich and poor.

Production for profit generates products of poor quality, wastes natural resources and causes pollution problems.

In case of war or natural disasters capitalism is least effective than other systems.

Inability to privately own a business and produce for profit eliminates the need for competition, which negatively affects the economic growth. To overcome this drawback, a socialist competition was invented. It was quite effective in it's early stage, though without proper reforms and incentives had no potential to be sustained long time.

The government's involvement into all aspects of life makes some people resistant and reluctant to comply, which causes them punishments and persecution of various degrees.

An utopian system for the modern "civilized" world because there will always be people taking advantage of others.

When hard work is not rewarded and everyone enjoys equal benefits, people lose the stimulus to work at all, thus undermining the very base of the system - abundance. Simply put, a perfect society cannot be built of imperfect people.

However, true communist societies actually existed in some North American Indian and African tribes.

Dictatorship model allows abuse of power.

No freedom of speech, criticism and opposition are not tolerated.

Dictatorship discourages foreign investments which can damage the state's economy. Additionally, most of the funds are spent on military defense, leaving only a small portion for other essentials like agriculture, healthcare and education.

Fascism either ignores or attacks those who don't aid attainment of the national values. This includes minority groups, the elderly, disabled and their caretakers, who are viewed as unnecessary drag on prosperity.

Violation of human rights, racism and genocide of certain groups of people is a legalized official practice.

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Fascism is immediately excluded from consideration due to massive and intense violation of human rights, comprising the very core of the system, and it is officially banned throughout the world.

While capitalist system certainly has its benefits, it's not a fair system to all humanity as a whole as it not only doesn't ensure equality, but on the contrary, widens the gap between classes. Most importantly, the vicious circle of production-consumption relies on an increasing consumption of natural resources, which have their limit. Once the natural resources are depleted, unrestricted capitalism would bring the world to a catastrophe and chaos. Do not think that we still have much time in reserve. There are already millions of people suffering from lack of electric energy, fresh water, starvation, diseases from pollution, etc.

As of today, there still no renewable sources of energy exist that could completely replace coal and oil. Even if new efficient sources of energy are discovered and engaged, we physically would not be able to get more energy than could be renewed. Having this hard limit would in it's turn put a limit on the production, thus undermining the foundation of capitalism. Therefore capitalism, at least in it's present form, can last only as long as resources are available. Additionally, the growing gap between rich and poor causes permanent instability and social unrest.

Socialism naturally evolved in an attempt to resolve the shortcomings of capitalism. However despite the fact that socialism and communism sound almost as if they're able to create heaven on earth (or as Soviets said - "to make fairy tale a reality"), people always want to become richer, to have more private properties, to have more power and be controlled less. There would always be some people abusing their position, cheating, cutting corners and taking advantage of others. As long as this human nature doesn't change, neither pure socialism nor pure communism will ever work. It is for this reason - changing people's mentality and adopting the society to the new culture, the government of socialist countries had to take under strict control virtually all aspects of life, including people's private lives.

Communism would be an ideal system, if it wasn't totally utopian for the modern society. Though there's nothing wrong about keeping communist ideology itself and, if possible, strive to act in accordance with it. It can still exist in the minds, as a sort of religion. (The communist ideology would be covered some time later, in the next article.) Socialism is a far better, realistically sustainable model, provided there's absolutely no corruption, which is not likely to be ever completely eradicated. Thus, the deficiencies of the two systems are in people themselves, in the human nature.

The world is not perfect and still quite far from being perfect. It would be best if there was some social-economic system that combined the best features of both capitalism and socialism, however that is highly unlikely as the two systems pretty much oppose each other. At least, the world does not know yet such examples. Could a better system be developed in the future? It depends on you. On each of us and all of us. And the only way to build a better future is to learn from history, learn about the alternative ways of life, realize their benefits and shortcomings, understand why things happened the way they happened and move on to the future with this knowledge. At the very least, knowledge of history would help avoiding the same crucial mistakes that happened in the past.

So what can possibly be done right now to make the world a little better? It seems that the only thing we could realistically (and peacefully) do now is to try to restrain the self-destructive power of capitalism by reducing the production-consumption cycle, on which capitalism heavily depends. This is actually very easy and the results will be more tangible if more people follow these ten simple tips:

  1. Make a clear distinction to yourself between what you want and what you really need. Satisfy your needs first.
  2. Buy only necessary goods, choose them for their usefulness, not because of design, packaging or advertisement.
  3. Choose to pay more for products of higher quality which would last longer, than cheaper products which would break soon.
  4. Do not trash any good, working things that you no longer need. Sell or donate them to people who could use them.
  5. If you no longer need something or if a product breaks, try finding another use for it before trashing. Be creative!
  6. Recycle, reuse products and materials as much as possible.
  7. Do not buy and do not trash excess food. Only get as much as you can actually eat.
  8. Count how much you are spending on various things, how much time you have spent to earn that money and think if those things really worth that time of your life. Understand that the best things in life are not things.
  9. Invest in your education, don't let yourself be manipulated, make smart decisions.
  10. Making decisions for the near future, do not forget about long term consequences.

And, of course, spread the knowledge, share this website and these tips among your family and friends. The more people follow these simple rules, the better the world will become and the longer our civilization would exist. Together we can make a difference. Any other ideas and comments are welcome!
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